var stlib = stlib || { functions: [], functionCount: 0, util: { prop: function(p, obj) { if (obj) { return obj[p]; } return function(o) { return o[p]; }; } }, dynamicOn: true, setPublisher : function(pubKey){ stlib.publisher = pubKey; }, setProduct : function(prod){ stlib.product = prod; }, parseQuery: function( query ) { var Params = new Object (); if ( ! query ) return Params; // return empty object var Pairs = query.split(/[;&]/); for ( var i = 0; i < Pairs.length; i++ ) { var KeyVal = Pairs[i].split('='); if ( ! KeyVal || KeyVal.length != 2 ) continue; var key = unescape( KeyVal[0] ); var val = unescape( KeyVal[1] ); val = val.replace(/\+/g, ' '); Params[key] = val; } return Params; }, getQueryParams : function(){ var buttonScript = document.getElementById('st_insights_js'); if(buttonScript && buttonScript.src){ var queryString = buttonScript.src.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/,''); var params = stlib.parseQuery( queryString ); stlib.setPublisher ( params.publisher); stlib.setProduct( params.product); } } }; = { hash: stlib.util.prop('hash', document.location).substr(1) }; // Extract out parameters stlib.getQueryParams(); /********************START BROWSER CODE***********************/ stlib.browser = { iemode: null, firefox: null, firefoxVersion: null, safari: null, chrome: null, opera: null, windows: null, mac: null, ieFallback: (/MSIE [6789]/).test(navigator.userAgent), //ieFallback: true, init: function() { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toString().toLowerCase(); if (/msie|trident/i.test(ua)) { if (document.documentMode) // IE8 or later stlib.browser.iemode = document.documentMode; else{ // IE 5-7 stlib.browser.iemode = 5; // Assume quirks mode unless proven otherwise if (document.compatMode){ if (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") stlib.browser.iemode = 7; // standards mode } } //stlib.browser.iemode = getFirstMatch(/(?:msie |rv:)(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i); //IE11+ } /*stlib.browser.firefox =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !=-1) ? true : false; stlib.browser.firefoxVersion =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/5.0") !=-1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/9.0") !=-1) ? false : true; stlib.browser.safari =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !=-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") ==-1) ? true : false; =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !=-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !=-1) ? true : false; =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") !=-1) ? true : false; stlib.browser.mac =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Macintosh") !=-1) ? true : false;*/ stlib.browser.firefox = ((ua.indexOf("firefox") !=-1) && (typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'))?true:false; stlib.browser.firefoxVersion =(ua.indexOf("firefox/5.0") !=-1 || ua.indexOf("firefox/9.0") !=-1) ? false : true; stlib.browser.safari = (ua.indexOf("safari") !=-1 && ua.indexOf("chrome") ==-1)?true:false; = (ua.indexOf("safari") !=-1 && ua.indexOf("chrome") !=-1)?true:false; stlib.browser.opera = (window.opera || ua.indexOf(' opr/') >= 0)?true:false; =(ua.indexOf("windows") !=-1) ? true : false; stlib.browser.mac =(ua.indexOf("macintosh") !=-1) ? true : false; }, getIEVersion : function() { return stlib.browser.iemode; }, isFirefox : function() { return stlib.browser.firefox; }, firefox8Version : function() { return stlib.browser.firefoxVersion; }, isSafari : function() { return stlib.browser.safari; }, isWindows : function() { return; }, isChrome : function() { return; }, isOpera : function() { return stlib.browser.opera; }, isMac : function() { return stlib.browser.mac; }, isSafariBrowser: function(vendor, ua) { // check if browser is safari var isSafari = vendor && vendor.indexOf('Apple Computer, Inc.') > -1 && ua && !ua.match('CriOS'); // check if browser is not chrome var notChrome = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(ua); // check if browser is not firefox var notFireFox = /^((?!firefox|linux))/i.test(ua); // check if OS is from Apple var isApple = (ua.indexOf('Mac OS X') > -1) || (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(ua) && !window.MSStream); // check if OS is windows var isWindows = (ua.indexOf('Windows NT') > -1) && notChrome; // browser is safari but not chrome return (isSafari && notChrome && notFireFox && (isApple || isWindows)); } }; stlib.browser.init(); /********************END BROWSER CODE***********************/ /********************START SCRIPTLOADER***********************/ /* * This handles on demand loading of javascript and CSS files */ stlib.scriptLoader = { loadJavascript : function(href,callBack){ var loader = stlib.scriptLoader; loader.head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; loader.scriptSrc=href; loader.script=document.createElement('script'); loader.script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); loader.script.setAttribute('src', loader.scriptSrc); loader.script.async = true; if(window.attachEvent && document.all) { //IE: loader.script.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(this.readyState=='complete' || this.readyState=='loaded'){ callBack(); } }; } else { //other browsers: loader.script.onload=callBack; } loader.s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; loader.s.parentNode.insertBefore(loader.script, loader.s); }, loadCSS : function(href,callBack) { _$d_(); _$d1("Loading CSS: " + href); var loader = stlib.scriptLoader; var cssInterval; loader.head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; loader.cssSrc=href; loader.css=document.createElement('link'); loader.css.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); loader.css.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); loader.css.setAttribute('href', href); loader.css.setAttribute('id', href); setTimeout(function(){ callBack(); if(!document.getElementById(href)){ cssInterval=setInterval(function(){ if(document.getElementById(href)){ clearInterval(cssInterval); callBack(); } }, 100); } },100); loader.head.appendChild(loader.css); } }; /********************END SCRIPTLOADER***********************/ /********************START MOBILE BROWSER CODE***********************/ = { mobile:false, uagent: null, android: null, iOs: null, silk: null, windows: null, kindle: null, url: null, sharCreated: false, sharUrl: null, isExcerptImplementation: false, //Flag to check if multiple sharethis buttons (Excerpt) have been implemented iOsVer: 0, // It will hold iOS version if device is iOS else 0 init: function () { this.uagent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (this.isAndroid()) { = true; }else if (this.isIOs()) { = true; } else if (this.isSilk()) { = true; } else if (this.isWindowsPhone()) { = true; }else if (this.isKindle()) { = true; } }, isMobile: function isMobile() { return; }, isAndroid: function() { if ( === null) { = this.uagent.indexOf("android") > -1; } return; }, isKindle: function() { if ( === null) { = this.uagent.indexOf("kindle") > -1; } return; }, isIOs: function isIOs() { if (this.iOs === null) { this.iOs = (this.uagent.indexOf("ipad") > -1) || (this.uagent.indexOf("ipod") > -1) || (this.uagent.indexOf("iphone") > -1); } return this.iOs; }, isSilk: function() { if ( === null) { = this.uagent.indexOf("silk") > -1; } return; }, /** * This is to get iOS version if iOS device, else return 0 */ getIOSVersion: function() { if (this.isIOs()) { this.iOsVer = this.uagent.substr( (this.uagent.indexOf( 'os ' )) + 3, 5 ).replace( /\_/g, '.' ); } return this.iOsVer; }, isWindowsPhone: function() { if ( === null) { = this.uagent.indexOf("windows phone") > -1; } return; } };; /********************END MOBILE BROWSER CODE***********************/ /********************START COOKIE LIBRARY***********************/ /* * This handles cookies */ var tpcCookiesEnableCheckingDone = false; var tpcCookiesEnabledStatus = true; stlib.cookie = { setCookie : function(name, value, days) { var safari =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !=-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") ==-1); var ie =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !=-1); if (safari || ie) { var expiration = (days) ? days*24*60*60 : 0; var _div = document.createElement('div'); _div.setAttribute("id", name); _div.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); document.body.appendChild(_div); var div = document.getElementById(name), form = document.createElement('form'); try { var iframe = document.createElement(''); //try is ie } catch(err) { //catch is ff and safari iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); } = name; iframe.src = 'javascript:false';"none"; div.appendChild(iframe); form.action = ""; form.method = 'POST'; var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "name"); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", name); form.appendChild(hiddenField); var hiddenField2 = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField2.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField2.setAttribute("name", "value"); hiddenField2.setAttribute("value", value); form.appendChild(hiddenField2); var hiddenField3 = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField3.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField3.setAttribute("name", "time"); hiddenField3.setAttribute("value", expiration); form.appendChild(hiddenField3); = name; div.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } else { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else { var expires = ""; } var cookie_string = name + "=" + escape(value) + expires; cookie_string += "; domain=" + escape ("")+";path=/"; document.cookie = cookie_string; } }, setTempCookie : function(name, value, days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else { var expires = ""; } var cookie_string = name + "=" + escape(value) + expires; cookie_string += "; domain=" + escape ("")+";path=/"; document.cookie = cookie_string; }, getCookie : function(cookie_name) { var results = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + cookie_name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'); if (results) { return (unescape(results[2])); } else { return false; } }, deleteCookie : function(name) { // For all browsers var path="/"; var domain=""; document.cookie = name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") + "=" +( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "") + ( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) +";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT"; // For Safari and IE var safari =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !=-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") ==-1); var ie =(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !=-1); if (safari || ie) { var _div = document.createElement('div'); _div.setAttribute("id", name); _div.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); document.body.appendChild(_div); var div = document.getElementById(name), form = document.createElement('form'); try { var iframe = document.createElement(''); //try is ie } catch(err) { //catch is ff and safari iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); } = name; iframe.src = 'javascript:false';"none"; div.appendChild(iframe); form.action = ""; form.method = 'POST'; var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "name"); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", name); form.appendChild(hiddenField); = name; div.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } }, deleteAllSTCookie : function() { var a=document.cookie; a=a.split(';'); for(var i=0;i1){ domain="."+str[str.length-2]+"."+str[str.length-1]; } return domain; }, checkCookiesEnabled: function() { if(!tpcCookiesEnableCheckingDone) { stlib.cookie.setTempCookie("STPC", "yes", 1); if(stlib.cookie.getCookie("STPC") == "yes") { tpcCookiesEnabledStatus = true; }else { tpcCookiesEnabledStatus = false; } tpcCookiesEnableCheckingDone = true; return tpcCookiesEnabledStatus; }else{ return tpcCookiesEnabledStatus; } }, hasLocalStorage: function() { try { localStorage.setItem("stStorage", "yes"); localStorage.removeItem("stStorage"); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } } }; /********************END COOKIE LIBRARY***********************/ /* * Requires cookie.js */ stlib.fpc = { cookieName: "__unam", cookieValue: "", createFpc: function() { if(!document.domain ||\.gov/) > 0){ return false; } // var firstPersonCookie = stlib.cookie.getCookie(stlib.fpc.cookieName); var firstPersonCookie = stlib.cookie.getFpcCookie(stlib.fpc.cookieName); if(firstPersonCookie==false){ // Create a new cookie var bigRan = Math.round(Math.random() * 2147483647); bigRan = bigRan.toString(16); var time = (new Date()).getTime(); time = time.toString(16); var partialDomain = window.location.hostname.split(/\./)[1]; if(!partialDomain){ return false; } var cookieValue = ""; cookieValue = stlib.fpc.determineHash(partialDomain) + "-" + time + "-" + bigRan + "-1"; firstPersonCookie = cookieValue; }else{ // Increment the counter on the cookie by one var originalCookie = firstPersonCookie; var originalCookieArray = originalCookie.split(/\-/); if(originalCookieArray.length == 4){ var num = Number(originalCookieArray[3]); num++; firstPersonCookie = originalCookieArray[0] + "-" + originalCookieArray[1] + "-" + originalCookieArray[2] + "-" + num; } } // stlib.cookie.setCookie(stlib.fpc.cookieName, firstPersonCookie, 90); stlib.cookie.setFpcCookie(stlib.fpc.cookieName, firstPersonCookie); stlib.fpc.cookieValue = firstPersonCookie; return firstPersonCookie; }, determineHash: function(partialDomain) { var hash = 0; var salt = 0; for (var i = partialDomain.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var charCode = parseInt(partialDomain.charCodeAt(i)); hash = ((hash << 8) & 268435455) + charCode + (charCode << 12); if ((salt = hash & 161119850) != 0){ hash = (hash ^ (salt >> 20)); } } return hash.toString(16); } }; /* * This holds critical data, requires the cookie object */ if (typeof( == "undefined") { = { bInit: false, publisherKeySet: false, pageInfo: { }, shareInfo: { }, resetPageData: function() { // = "00-00-00"; // The publisher key as given by the publisher // = "ERROR"; // The cookie set on the publisher's domain to track the user on that domain = "ERROR"; // The session on any given pageview with our widget on it // = "ERROR"; // The source domain = "ERROR"; // The source domain = "ERROR"; // The source domain = "DOS2"; // the product }, resetShareData: function() { = {}; = "ERROR"; // The url the service is sharing before any modification = ""; // The shar url the service is sharing before any modification = "ERROR"; // The button type that were clicked (hcount or vcount) = "ERROR"; // The channel that is being shared to (facebook, twitter) = "ERROR"; // The widget or code location that is generating the request }, resetData: function() {;; }, init: function() { if (! { = true;;"fcmp", typeof(window.__cmp) == 'function', "pageInfo");"fcmpv2", typeof(window.__tcfapi) == 'function', "pageInfo"); if (stlib.publisher){; }"product",stlib.product,"pageInfo"); var rawUrl = document.location.href; var sessionID_time = '', sessionID_rand = '';"url", rawUrl,"shareInfo"); // no longer using fpc // stlib.fpc.createFpc(); //"fpc",stlib.fpc.cookieValue,"pageInfo"); // Requires that the cookie has been created"title", document.title, "shareInfo"); sessionID_time = (new Date()).getTime().toString(); sessionID_rand = Number(Math.random().toPrecision(5).toString().substr(2)).toString();"sessionID",sessionID_time + '.' + sessionID_rand,"pageInfo");; //"sourceURL", document.location.href,"pageInfo");"hostname", document.location.hostname,"pageInfo");"location", document.location.pathname,"pageInfo"); } }, validateRefDomain: function() { var refDomain ="refDomain", "pageInfo"); if (!refDomain) { this.setRefDomain(stlib.util.prop('referrer', window.document)); } }, setRefDomain: function (refDomain) { if (refDomain.length == 0) { return; } var referArray = refDomain.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").split("/"); if(referArray.length > 0) { refDomain = (typeof(referArray[0]) != "undefined") ? referArray[0] : refDomain; refQuery = (typeof(referArray[1]) != "undefined") ? referArray[1] : "";"refQuery", refQuery,"pageInfo");"refDomain", refDomain ,"pageInfo"); } ; }, setPublisher: function(publisherKey) { // TODO: Add Validation"publisher",publisherKey,"pageInfo"); }, setSource: function(src, options) { // TODO: Add Validation var source = ""; // Inside widget logging if (options) { if (options.toolbar) { source = "toolbar"+src; } else if ( && != "home" && != "") { source = "chicklet"+src; } else { source = "button"+src; } } // Outside widget logging else { // can be share5x, share4x, chicklet, fastshare, mobile source = src; }"source",source,"shareInfo"); }, set: function(key, value, table) { if (typeof(value) == "number" || typeof(value) == "boolean") {[table][key] = value; } else if (typeof(value) == "undefined" || value == null) { } else {[table][key] = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(unescape(value.replace(/<[^<>]*>/gi, " ")).replace(/%/gi, "%25"))); // These might have url encoded data if (key=="url" /*|| key=="sourceURL"*/ || key=="location" || key=="image") { try {[table][key] = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(decodeURI(value.replace(/<[^<>]*>/gi, " ")).replace(/%/gi, "%25"))); } catch (e) {[table][key] = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(unescape(value.replace(/<[^<>]*>/gi, " ")).replace(/%/gi, "%25"))); } } } }, get: function(key, table) { try{ if ([table] &&[table][key]) return decodeURIComponent([table][key]); else return false; }catch(e){ return false } }, unset: function(key, table) { if ([table] && typeof([table][key])!="undefined") delete[table][key]; }, bindEvent: function(element, eventName, eventHandler) { if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false); } else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler); } }, debug: function(endpoint, event) {; var a =; var c = ""; var b; for (b in a) { c += b + "=" + a[b] + "&" } c = c.substring(0, c.length - 1); var loggerUrl = ""; loggerUrl += endpoint; loggerUrl += "?event=" + event; loggerUrl += "&" + c; var e = new Image(1, 1); e.src = loggerUrl; e.onload = function() { return }; }, hostname: function(url) { var a; if (url == null) { url = st.href; } a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href', url); return a.hostname; }, parseCookie: function (name, cookie) { var values = cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + name + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)'); return values ? values.pop() : null; }, writeCookie: function(name, value, max_age) { if (!max_age) { max_age = 33696000 } var host = (window && window.location && window.location.hostname) || ''; var parts = host.split('.'); var domain = ""; if (parts.length > 1) { domain = "domain=." + parts.slice(-2).join('.'); } var samesite_secure = ""; try { document.cookie = "st_samesite=1;SameSite=None;Secure"; if ("st_samesite", document.cookie)) { samesite_secure = "SameSite=None;Secure" document.cookie = "st_samesite=1;max-age=0;SameSite=None;Secure"; } } catch (e) {} document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";" + domain + ";path=/;max-age=" + max_age + ";" + samesite_secure; }, setConsent: function(consent) { for(var consent_key in consent) {,consent[consent_key],"pageInfo"); } }, getEUConsent: function (c) { function once(fn, context) { var result; return function() { if(fn) { result = fn.apply(context || this, arguments); fn = null; } return result; }; } var done = once(c); // set usprivacy first if we have it var usprivacy ="usprivacy", document.cookie); if (usprivacy) {{ usprivacy: usprivacy }); } // keep track of how long it takes to get consent var start =; var useCookie = once(function() { // check for first party cookies var euconsent_v2 ="euconsent-v2", document.cookie); if (euconsent_v2 !== null) { // use the first party cookie if it exists{ gdpr_consent: euconsent_v2, gdpr_domain: document.location.hostname, gdpr_method: "cookie" }); } done(); }); if (typeof window.__tcfapi == "function") { // fallback to cookie in case the tcf api is too slow or unavailable var timeout = setTimeout(useCookie, 5000); // first we try to get the data from the cmp // wrap in a try catch since we don't control the tcfapi code on page try { const tcfapi_callback = (data) => { if (data && data.tcString) { var gdpr_domain = (data.isServiceSpecific) ? document.location.hostname : "";{ consent_duration: - start, gdpr_consent: data.tcString, gdpr_domain: gdpr_domain, gdpr_method: "api" }); clearTimeout(timeout); done(); __tcfapi('removeEventListener', 2, () => {}, data.listenerId); } } __tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, tcfapi_callback); } catch (e) { // fallback to cookie if there is an error useCookie(); } } else { // fallback to cookie if the tcfapi doesn't exist useCookie(); } } };; } stlib.comscore = { load: function() { var ref=document.referrer; var lurl = ""; lurl+="b?c1=7&c2=8097938&rn=" +Math.round(Math.random() * 2147483647 )+ "&c7=" + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href)+ "&c3=8097938"+ "&c8="+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+ ( (ref)? "&c9="+encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) : "" )+ "&cv=2.2"+ "&cs=js"; var logger = new Image(1,1); logger.src = lurl; logger.onload = function(){return;}; } } /********************START LOGGING***********************/ /* * This handles logging */ stlib.logger = { loggerUrl: "", l2LoggerUrl: "", productArray: new Array(), version: '', lang: 'en', isFpEvent: false, constructParamString: function() { // Pull all the parameters from the page the widget was on var p =; var paramString = ""; var param; for (param in p) { // the following line creates "param=value&" if (p[param] == null || p[param] === "" || p[param] == "ERROR") continue; paramString += param + "=" + p[param] + "&"; } // Pull all the parameters related to the share p =; for (param in p) { if (p[param] == null || p[param] === "" || p[param] == "ERROR") continue; paramString += param + "=" + p[param] + "&"; } // add sop parameter paramString += "sop=false" // add fpestid if it exists var fpestid ="fpestid", document.cookie); if (fpestid) { paramString += "&fpestid=" + fpestid; } // add description if it exists try { var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var attribute = elements[i].getAttribute('property'); if (attribute == null) { attribute = elements[i].getAttribute('name'); } if (attribute == "twitter:description" || attribute == "og:description" || attribute == "description" || attribute == "Description") { var description = encodeURIComponent(elements[i].getAttribute('content')); paramString += "&description=" + description; break; } } } catch (e) {} return paramString }, ibl: function() { var blacklist, domain, protocol, hostname, href, i, len; href = document.referrer; if (href) { hostname = || ''; if ( { protocol = || ''; if (protocol == "android-app:") { return true; } } blacklist = ['aol', 'bing', '', 'facebook', 'google', 'yahoo', 'yandex', document.location.hostname]; for (i = 0, len = blacklist.length; i < len; i++) { domain = blacklist[i]; if (hostname.indexOf(domain) > -1) { return true; } } var logUrl = stlib.logger.loggerUrl + "log?event=ibl&url=" + href; stlib.logger.logByImage("ibl", logUrl, null); } return true; }, obl: function(e) { var href, prefix, ref; if ((e != null ? (ref = != null ? ref.tagName : void 0 : void 0) === 'A') { href ='href') || ''; prefix = href.slice(0, href.indexOf(':')); if (href.slice(0, 4) === 'http' && !== document.location.hostname) { var logUrl = stlib.logger.loggerUrl + "log?event=obl&url=" + href; stlib.logger.logByImage("obl", logUrl, null); } } return true; }, getGDPRQueryString: function() { var gdpr_consent ="gdpr_consent", "pageInfo"); var gdpr_domain = encodeURIComponent("gdpr_domain", "pageInfo")); var gdpr_method ="gdpr_method", "pageInfo"); var gdpr_query_str = ""; if (gdpr_consent) { gdpr_query_str += "&gdpr_consent=" + gdpr_consent; } if (gdpr_domain) { gdpr_query_str += "&gdpr_domain=" + gdpr_domain; } if (gdpr_method) { gdpr_query_str += "&gdpr_method=" + gdpr_method; } return gdpr_query_str; }, loadPixelsAsync: function(res) { if (typeof(stlib.product) !== "undefined") { if ((stlib.product == "ecommerce") || (stlib.product == "dos2") || (stlib.product == "feather") || (stlib.product == "simple") || (stlib.product == "simpleshare") || (stlib.product == "simple-share-pro")) { return; } } if (typeof(res) !== "undefined") { if (res.status === "true") { // set stid"stid", res.stid, "pageInfo") // fire the pixel var pxcel_url = "" + (new Date()).getTime() + "&cid=c010&dmn="+ window.location.hostname + stlib.logger.getGDPRQueryString(); var $el = document.createElement('script'); $el.async = 1; $el.src = pxcel_url; $ = "pxscrpt"; var first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; first.parentNode.insertBefore($el, first); } if(res.status === "true" && res.atlas === "true") { stlib.logger.js(""); } // run dmd script if indicated in response if (res.dmd === "true") { var f = function (w, d, s, m, n, t) { w[m] = w[m] || { init: function () { (w[m].q = w[m].q || []).push(arguments); }, ready: function (c) { if ('function' != typeof c) { return; } (w[m].c = w[m].c || []).push(c); c = w[m].c; n.onload = n.onreadystatechange = function () { if (!n.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(n.readyState)) { n.onload = n.onreadystatechange = null; if (t.parentNode && n.parentNode) { t.parentNode.removeChild(n); } while (c.length) { (c.shift())(); } } }; } }, w[m].d = 1 * new Date(); n = d.createElement(s); t = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; n.async=1;n.src=''+(,4);n.setAttribute("data-aim",m);t.parentNode.insertBefore(n,t); } f(window, document, 'script', 'AIM'); AIM.init('194-3051-2EAEFDBB', { 'onload_pageview': false }); AIM.ready(function () { var stid ="stid", "pageInfo"); var url = window.location.href + '#estid=' + stid; AIM.pageview(url); }); } try { function getBrowser() { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var tem; var M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || []; var isMobile = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android|Opera Mini|IEMobile|WPDesktop|BlackBerry|webOS|Windows Phone/i.test(ua); if(/trident/i.test(M[1])){ tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || []; return 'IE '+(tem[1] || ''); } if(M[1] === 'Chrome'){ tem = ua.match(/\b(OPR|Edg)\/(\d+)/); if(tem != null) return tem.slice(1).join('').replace('OPR', 'Opera').replace('Edg', 'Edge'); } M = M[2]? [M[1], M[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?']; if((tem = ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) != null) M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]); if(isMobile){ if(M[0] === 'Chrome'){ return 'Chrome Mobile'+M.slice(1).join(''); } return 'Mobile '+M.join(''); } return M.join(''); } const browser_allow_list = [ "Chrome Mobile108", "Chrome Mobile110", "Chrome Mobile111", "Chrome Mobile112", "Chrome Mobile113", "Chrome Mobile114", "Chrome Mobile115", "Chrome Mobile116", "Chrome Mobile117", "Chrome Mobile118", "Chrome Mobile87", "Chrome108", "Chrome109", "Chrome112", "Chrome113", "Chrome114", "Chrome115", "Chrome116", "Chrome117", "Chrome118", "Edge108", "Edge118", "Firefox114", "Firefox118", "Mobile Firefox116", "Mobile Safari", "Mobile Safari16", 'Mobile Safari17', "Safari16", ]; const standard_browser_name = getBrowser(); // run lotame's panorama id code if indicated by the content rule if(res.status === "true" && res.lotame === "true" && browser_allow_list.includes(standard_browser_name)) { !function() { // Callback that will be triggered after each call to sync() // and let you have access to the profile and/or panorama ids var syncCallback = function (profile) { // sync the panorama id var panorama_id = profile.getPanoramaId(); if (panorama_id && res.stid) { var url = "" url += "?uid=" + encodeURIComponent(panorama_id) url += "&stid=" + encodeURIComponent(res.stid) stlib.logger.send(url) } }; var lotame_client_id = '16621'; var lotame_tag_input = { config: { onProfileReady: syncCallback } }; // Lotame initialization var lotame_config = lotame_tag_input.config || {}; var namespace = window['lotame_sync_' + lotame_client_id] = {}; namespace.config = lotame_config; = {}; namespace.cmd = namespace.cmd || []; } (); window.lotame_sync_16621.cmd.push(function() { window.lotame_sync_16621.sync(); }); stlib.logger.js(""); } } catch (e) { // do nothing for now } } }, send: function(url) { var img = new Image(1, 1); img.src = url; = "none" img.onload = function() {}; img.onerror = function() {}; }, js: function(url) { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.async = 1; el.src = url; var first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; first.parentNode.insertBefore(el, first); }, logByImage: function(event, logUrl, callback) { // add consent params if they exist var gdpr_consent ="gdpr_consent", "pageInfo"); var gdpr_domain ="gdpr_domain", "pageInfo"); if (gdpr_consent) { logUrl += "&gdpr_consent=" + gdpr_consent; } if (gdpr_domain) { logUrl += "&gdpr_domain=" + gdpr_domain; } var gdpr_method ="gdpr_method", "pageInfo"); if (gdpr_method) { logUrl += "&gdpr_method=" + gdpr_method; } var usprivacy ="usprivacy", "pageInfo"); if (usprivacy) { logUrl += "&usprivacy=" + usprivacy; } // add fpestid if it exists var fpestid ="fpestid", document.cookie); if (fpestid) { logUrl += "&fpestid=" + fpestid; } // add description if it exists try { var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var attribute = elements[i].getAttribute('property'); if (attribute == null) { attribute = elements[i].getAttribute('name'); } if (attribute == "twitter:description" || attribute == "og:description" || attribute == "description" || attribute == "Description") { var description = encodeURIComponent(elements[i].getAttribute('content')); logUrl += "&description=" + description; break; } } } catch (e) {} var mImage = new Image(1, 1); mImage.src = logUrl + "&img_pview=true"; mImage.onload = function () { return; }; if (event == "pview") { stlib.logger.loadPixelsAsync(undefined); } else { callback? callback() : null; } }, // TODO: (step 1) error checking on data // TODO: (step 2) convert params into a generic object, normalize or prepare before logging log : function(event, loggingUrl, callback, newEndpoint) { if(typeof("counter", "shareInfo")) != "undefined") { var count = 0; if ("counter", "shareInfo")) { count ="counter", "shareInfo"); }"ts" + new Date().getTime() + "." + count, "", "shareInfo");"counter", "shareInfo"); } else {"ts" + new Date().getTime(), "", "shareInfo"); } if(event == 'widget') { var shortenedDestination = "." + stlib.hash.hashDestination(; stlib.hash.updateDestination(shortenedDestination); } //Fix for SAB-709 if ( !loggingUrl || (loggingUrl != stlib.logger.loggerUrl && loggingUrl != stlib.logger.l2LoggerUrl)) { loggingUrl = stlib.logger.loggerUrl; } // Step 3: log data (iterate through objects) var logName = null; if (newEndpoint) { logName = event; } else { logName = (event == "pview") ? event : ((event == "debug") ? "cns" : "log"); }{ if(event == "pview") { var logUrl = loggingUrl + logName + "?event="+event+ "&" + "version="+stlib.logger.version+ "&" + "lang="+stlib.logger.lang + "&" + stlib.logger.constructParamString(); }else { var logUrl = loggingUrl + logName + "?event="+event + "&" + stlib.logger.constructParamString(); } var pview_had_consent = ("gdpr_consent", "pageInfo")) ? true : false;"pview_had_consent", pview_had_consent, "pageInfo"); var user_agent_data = {} var ua_fields = {} = ua_fields try { if (navigator.userAgentData) { user_agent_data = navigator.userAgentData; } if (Array.isArray(user_agent_data.brands)) { var ua = "" user_agent_data.brands.forEach((brand) => { if (ua) { ua += ", " } ua += `"${brand.brand}";v="${brand.version}"` }); = ua logUrl += "&ua=" + encodeURIComponent(ua); } if ( !== undefined) { var ua_mobile = ( ? "true" : "false"; ua_fields.ua_mobile = ua_mobile logUrl += "&ua_mobile=" + encodeURIComponent(ua_mobile); } if (user_agent_data.platform) { var ua_platform = user_agent_data.platform ua_fields.ua_platform = ua_platform logUrl += "&ua_platform=" + encodeURIComponent(ua_platform); } } catch (e) { // do nothing for now if it fails } // if there is no getHighEntropyValues function create a shell function // in order to keep the workflow unified if (!user_agent_data.getHighEntropyValues) { user_agent_data.getHighEntropyValues = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve({}); }); } } function once(fn, context) { var result; return function() { if(fn) { result = fn.apply(context || this, arguments); fn = null; } return result; }; } var sendPageView = once(function() { try { var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); var res; try { if (crypto && crypto.randomUUID) { logUrl += "&uuid=" + crypto.randomUUID() } = logUrl } catch (e) {}"GET", logUrl, true); client.withCredentials = true; client.timeout = 10000; client.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == this.DONE) { try { res = JSON.parse(client.responseText); if (res.fpestid) {"fpestid", res.fpestid, res.fpestid_maxage); } if (event == "pview") { /* // stop firing comscore beacon if (typeof (stlib.comscore) != "undefined") { stlib.comscore.load(); } */ stlib.logger.loadPixelsAsync(res); } else { callback ? callback(): null; } } catch (e) { // responseText is empty for request timeout stlib.logger.logByImage(event, logUrl, callback); } } }; client.send(); } catch (err) { // some browsers don't support XMLHttpRequest stlib.logger.logByImage(event, logUrl, callback); } }) var getOverride = function() { var is_safari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (is_safari) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true); req.onreadystatechange = function() { try { if (this.readyState == this.DONE) { var res = JSON.parse(req.responseText) if ( { var override = logUrl += "&override=" + encodeURIComponent(override); = override } sendPageView() } } catch(e) { sendPageView() } } req.send() // send page view if request doesn't complete in 2 seconds setTimeout(sendPageView, 2000) } else { sendPageView() } } var high_entropy_fields = [ "model", "platformVersion", "fullVersionList" ] user_agent_data.getHighEntropyValues(high_entropy_fields).then((high_entropy_values) => { try { if (Array.isArray(high_entropy_values.fullVersionList)) { var ua_full_version_list = "" high_entropy_values.fullVersionList.forEach((brand) => { if (ua_full_version_list) { ua_full_version_list += ", " } ua_full_version_list += `"${brand.brand}";v="${brand.version}"` }); ua_fields.ua_full_version_list = ua_full_version_list logUrl += "&ua_full_version_list=" + encodeURIComponent(ua_full_version_list); } if (high_entropy_values.model) { var ua_model = high_entropy_values.model ua_fields.ua_model = ua_model logUrl += "&ua_model=" + encodeURIComponent(ua_model); } if (high_entropy_values.platformVersion) { var ua_platform_version = high_entropy_values.platformVersion ua_fields.ua_platform_version = ua_platform_version logUrl += "&ua_platform_version=" + encodeURIComponent(ua_platform_version); } } catch (e) { // do nothing for now } getOverride() }); }); }, tcfapi_listener: function() { var start =; var interval = setInterval(function() { if (window.__tcfapi) { try { window.__tcfapi("addEventListener", 2, function(data) { if (data && data.eventStatus == "useractioncomplete") {"gdpr_consent", data.tcString, "pageInfo"); var gdpr_domain = (data.isServiceSpecific) ? document.location.hostname : "";"gdpr_domain", gdpr_domain, "pageInfo");"gdpr_method", "api", "pageInfo"); var url = stlib.logger.loggerUrl; url += "log?event=updated_consent"; url += "&pview_had_consent=" +"pview_had_consent", "pageInfo"); stlib.logger.logByImage("updated_consent", url, null); } }); } catch (e) { clearInterval(interval); } } if ( - start > 10000) { clearInterval(interval); } }, 1000); }() }; /********************END LOGGING***********************/ stlib.logger.version = 'st_insights.js' // set product and property for new buttons if (window.__sharethis__) { stlib.setProduct(window.__sharethis__.product); stlib.setPublisher(; } var sop_pview_logged = typeof __stdos__ !== 'undefined' && __stdos__ !== null && __stdos__.onscriptload; if (!sop_pview_logged && !stlib.onscriptload && document.URL.indexOf("") == -1) {; stlib.onscriptload = true; stlib.logger.log("pview", null); } stlib.logger.ibl();, "click", stlib.logger.obl); if(typeof(stLight)=="undefined" && typeof(SHARETHIS)=="undefined"){ //make sure it isnt called over and over again var stWidgetVersion = false; if(typeof(switchTo5x)=="undefined") { stWidgetVersion = "4x"; // For Migration Phase 2 - by deafult widget will be 5xa }else{ if(switchTo5x == false){ stWidgetVersion = "4x"; } if(switchTo5x == true){ stWidgetVersion = "5xa"; } } stLight=new function(){ this.version=false; this.publisher=null; this.sessionID_time = (new Date()).getTime().toString(); this.sessionID_rand = Number(Math.random().toPrecision(5).toString().substr(2)).toString(); this.sessionID = this.sessionID_time + '.' + this.sessionID_rand; this.fpc=null; this.counter=0; this.readyRun=false; this.meta={ hostname:, location: document.location.pathname }; this.loadedFromBar=false; this.clickCallBack=false; }; stLight.loadDefault = function() { if (typeof(customProduct) == "undefined") { this.product = "DOS2"; } else{ this.product = customProduct; } this.source = "DOS2"; this.version = "st_insights.js"; }; stLight.options=function(options){ this.loadDefault(); // set custom publisher if(options && options.publisher){ stLight.setPublisher(options.publisher); } // set custom ref domain if(options && options.refDomain){ stLight.setRefDomain(options.refDomain); } // set custom product // calls setProduct but doesn't update stLight.product // deprecated: productArray stlib.logger.productArray = [] if(options && options.product){ stLight.setProduct(options.product); } else { stLight.setProduct(stLight.product); } // set copy and share options if(options && typeof(options.hashAddressBar) != "undefined") { stlib.hash.hashAddressBar = options.hashAddressBar; } stlib.hash.doNotHash = stlib.hash.doNotCopy = false; if(options) { options.doNotCopy = options.doNotHash = false; } stlib.stLightOptionsObj = options; }; stLight.onReady=function(){ if(stLight.readyRun==true){ return false; } stLight.loadFromScript(); stLight.readyRun=true;;"fpc", "pageInfo"); if(stLight.publisher==null){ if(typeof(window.console)!=="undefined"){ try{ // console.debug("Please specify a ShareThis Publisher Key \nFor help, contact"); }catch(err){} } } stLight.setProduct(stLight.product); //TODO: set this from the ref? stlib.logger.lang = 'en'; }; //Used only to generate widget and pview events logs. stLight.log=function(event){;;"url", document.location.href, "shareInfo");"title", document.title, "shareInfo");"counter", stLight.counter++, "shareInfo"); stlib.logger.log(event); }; if(window.document.readyState=="completed"){ stLight.onReady(); }else{ if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { window.addEventListener("load", stLight.onReady, false); } else if (typeof(document.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { document.addEventListener("load", stLight.onReady, false); } else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined') { window.attachEvent("onload", stLight.onReady); } } stLight.setPublisher = function(publisher) {; stLight.publisher=publisher; }; stLight.setRefDomain = function(refDomain) {; }; stLight.setProduct = function(product) { this.product = product;"product", product, "pageInfo"); }; stLight.getProduct = function() { return this.product; }; stLight.getSource=function(){ var source = 'share4x'; if(stWidgetVersion == "5xa"){ source = 'share5x'; } //TODO: Get share bar version before buttons load return source; }; } stLight.getUrlSearchParam = function() { var list =; return list.split("&"); } stLight.getUrlQueryParams = function(url) { var params = {}; var parts = url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { params[key] = value; }); return params; } stLight.getScriptSrcParams = function(scriptId){ var s = document.getElementById(scriptId); if (s) { return stLight.getUrlQueryParams(s.src) } } stLight.setParams = function(params) { if (params) { if (params.refdomain) { stLight.setRefDomain(params.refdomain); } if (params.publisher) { stLight.setPublisher(params.publisher); } if (params.product) { stLight.setProduct(params.product); } } } stLight.loadFromScript = function() { // Load the url params from script "st_insights_js" src var params = stLight.getScriptSrcParams('st_insights_js'); stLight.setParams(params) } stLight.loadFromWindowLocation = function() { var params = stLight.getUrlSearchParam(); stLight.setParams(params) } //END OF light.js stLight.onDomContentLoaded=function(){ stLight.onReady(); ; }; stLight.domReady=function(){ stLight.onReady(); }; st_showing=false; stLight.clickSubscribers=[]; stLight.nonClickSubscribers=[]; if(window.document.readyState=="completed"){ stLight.domReady();//domReady }else{ if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { window.addEventListener("load", stLight.domReady, false); } else if (typeof(document.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { document.addEventListener("load", stLight.domReady, false); } else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined') { window.attachEvent("onload", stLight.domReady); } } //DOMContentLoaded if(typeof(__st_loadLate)=="undefined"){ if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", stLight.onDomContentLoaded, false); } else if (typeof(document.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", stLight.onDomContentLoaded, false); } } else { if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", stLight.onDomContentLoadedLazy, false); } else if (typeof(document.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", stLight.onDomContentLoadedLazy, false); } } if(document.readyState == "complete" && stLight.readyRun==false){ //Keep at the end of the file //This is called after body is loaded so the domeready call would never get called, so call it here stLight.domReady(); }